Stakes play a big role in our lives. Steaks, too. Just about every action we take has stakes attached to it. If you place a bet, stakes are defined in …
Tactics Without Strategy Will Fail You Every Time
Tactics: the actions you take in order to achieve some end. Strategy: the overarching goals, reasoning, and planning behind your tactics.
How to Overcome Any Challenge
The uh… challenge of life challenges is that they aren’t always straightforward. For example, getting over the death of a loved one isn’t a 123-step process. It’s complicated. Difficult challenges are …
When Stability Causes Instability
60-80% of NBA and NFL players go bankrupt or experience financial stress within two years of retirement. Why? Aside from all of the obvious reasons like fancy cars, bad investments, …
Hidden Mechanisms Change (Or Ruin) Lives
I’m endlessly fascinated by counterintuitive truths. When something generates the opposite result of what you’d expect, that means there’s a deeper, hidden mechanism at play. It means that the most …