When to Raise (or Lower) the Stakes

Stakes play a big role in our lives. Steaks, too. Just about every action we take has stakes attached to it. If you place a bet, stakes are defined in …

How to Overcome Any Challenge

The uh… challenge of life challenges is that they aren’t always straightforward. For example, getting over the death of a loved one isn’t a 123-step process. It’s complicated. Difficult challenges are …

When Stability Causes Instability

60-80% of NBA and NFL players go bankrupt or experience financial stress within two years of retirement. Why? Aside from all of the obvious reasons like fancy cars, bad investments, …

Hidden Mechanisms Change (Or Ruin) Lives

I’m endlessly fascinated by counterintuitive truths. When something generates the opposite result of what you’d expect, that means there’s a deeper, hidden mechanism at play. It means that the most …