Tough Decisions, Big Risks

I have just made a tough decision – the toughest of my life.

In July 2010, I graduated with a B.S.B.A. in Finance.  November 2010, I decided to move to Virginia without a job, at first living with friends and family and finally moving into an apartment with a friend on a 5 month sublease.  Still, no job.  My friend got two jobs so I went ahead and moved in with plans to get one of my own.

Amazingly, passage of time makes it more difficult to pay rent without income.

After fruitless searching and applying, I finally secured a job.  Yay!  I’ll finally be able to pay rent.  Problem is, I quit today and I’m moving back to North Carolina (parents).  It seems to many, a terrible decision. That is part of what made it so difficult for me to make it and stand behind it.  The perception others have of you and your decisions can be a very powerful, potentially destructive force if you allow it to be – one that might trap you into being a passive slave that only aims to please others and conform. A few years back, I wouldn’t have made this decision because of that.  I’m different now.

Why did I make this decision?  Well, $10 an hour at a place I wouldn’t enjoy working is not why I obtained a college education for starters.  It would take 1.5 weeks of full time work just to pay rent.  I would be spinning my wheels.  And you know what?  We’re trained to spin our wheels in this world and always take the safe route.  I’m done doing that.  I’m taking risks now, baby.

Why is it that conventional wisdom tells us to beg for scraps at the feet of multi-million/billion dollar corporations?  Why do you think they have so much money?  It is because their employees provide them with much more value then they are compensated for.  They trade their time for a set amount of money (and occasional incentives) instead of creating permanent value for themselves (and others).

You know what makes risk-taking so great?  Eventually, a risk might pay off.  I am fortunate enough to have a free rent fallback in NC, which does play a huge part in this, but considering that…

  1. I’m going to have to withdrawal money from my Roth IRA to pay rent this month and moving expenses.
  2. I’m going to have to switch everything back to NC after just yesterday finishing transferring everything to VA (car stuff that will cost more $, addresses, etc.).
  3. The employer did not want me to leave and I hate as much as anyone to leave so soon after starting.
  4. Someone is very angry because of this decision.

It wasn’t by any means an easy decision.

If I stayed I could have paid rent and started to save some money.  Fear of the above ramifications and pressures from multiple sources told me to stay put with the job…

It almost worked.

The reason it didn’t work is because I have a much better idea of what I want to do on this spinning sphere.  I couldn’t stand to be working at this place is because I knew it wasn’t the path I wanted to be on. Logic told me to change course if I really wanted to align myself with my life goals and dreams, and I listened.

Maybe you’re in a similar position right now – in a bad relationship but fearing loneliness, completely unsatisfied in your job but forced to work to pay bills, or maybe you just aren’t satisfied with the way things currently are.  Whatever the case, change course. This may entail a tough decision like mine and it may not, but do it!

To know if you’re ready or not, just ask yourself….

Am I Willing To Fail?

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