- How to generally reduce stress (meditation, exercise, more stuff we already know, etc.)
- How to cope with stressful situations
What will you learn in Stress Management Redefined?
- The science of how stress can kill you
- How to prevent stress from surprising you
- How to permanently remove stress
How to get into Nascar with very little experience
It’s A Quick, Powerful Read Of 38 Pages.
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Cinematic Trailer
After dozens of hours researching, writing, and editing…
The result is a book that will entertain you while helping
you reduce your stress levels drastically.
I personally (and frequently) use these principles successfully!
You’ll laugh. You’ll learn. You’ll love it.
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I didn’t ask anyone to promote or review this book. Most authors (wisely) solicit reviews and recommendations, but the following feedback is real. It’s as genuine as feedback gets. The only thing I did was ask for permission to put it on this page once I saw it “out in the wild.”
[quote]“Dude I’m a third of the way through the eBook and it ROCKS. It’s probably the best eBook I’ve ever read. (Okay, it’s probably the first non-Internet marketing eBook I’ve read, so that might explain some things!)
But you worked hard to not make it boring. You succeeded.
No seriously, this thing’s been a breath of fresh air. I’m enjoying it immensely, and I’m actually LEARNING some stuff too. You could have charged for it.”
~ Martyn Chamberlin
[quote]”Really, really, really well done. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and will enjoy acting on it even more. Thanks for the bedrock information and taking the time to do this for all of us in the times we’re living. Highly, highly recommend it — and also an outstanding example of what can be accomplished strictly from a techie platform. Great work!”~ Patricia Troyer [/quote]
[quote]”Practical, excellent, doable” ~ Evan Hadkins“Useful info gets at the root of the problem, wrapped in classic Deep Existence humor.”
~ Douglas Prater
“No catches, no commissions, no nothing. This dude wrote an ebook that is entertaining, informative and useful!”
~ Robert Pinto-Fernandes [/quote]
You should wonder, “Stephen, you’re giving me a valuable book for free? Why?”
Yes I am. A free product of high quality is more likely to spread, and my hope is that you’ll love this book and decide to email it to your family/friends or share it on your social networks. This has two benefits for me. First, it makes me genuinely happy to help as many people as possible who may be struggling with stress. Second, it is a good way to introduce Deep Existence to more people.
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…it’s a good book. I worked hard to make it great and it’s yours for free.
Have a relaxed day. 🙂