I Adopted Two Kittens

Brothers: Frodo on the left. Sprout on the right.

They say that you never know the true meaning of something until you lose it. Growing up, my family always had cats. Then, I moved out and lost my cat access. I missed them greatly.

I held off on cats because I went on a moving spree. I was moving so fast that a furry anchor just wasn’t practical, and I never seemed to have a place for the litter box. Last year, however, I decided to settle down in Orlando and buy a house. *cat music begins*

On Thursday, June 11, I met Frodo and Sprout for the first time. I got the two tiger brothers from Candy’s Cats, a cat rescue in Orlando. These are my thoughts so far.

Kitty Litter: Not So Bad After All?

I always thought I would hate the “chores” that having cats would necessitate. Who wants to do kitty litter? I was surprised that not only do I not mind changing the litter, I am actually happy to provide my fluff biscuits with a clean litter box. The same goes for their food and water.

I got this litterbox and would recommend it for it’s design and ease of use.

Before they arrived, I made preparations. Including a cat door and the obligatory “Cat Daddy” shirt. There was another shirt that said “Father of Cats” (Game of Thrones reference) that I considered.

I don’t have kids, and family pets were never my sole responsibility. This is my first experience being fully responsible for two fur-children. These 3-pound furballs depend on me, and I’m not going to let them down.

Kittenville, USA

Kittens have a reputation of being playful. It is well deserved! Mine will go from completely zonked out to intense playing and wrestling in seconds.

Over the past week, I’ve gotten to know these kittens. They are just 10 weeks old, but they already show unique personalities.

Frodo is smaller, but fiesty! He’s shy around people, and aggressive with the toys. I have a toy bee at the end of a wand, and when I bring it out, he often snatches it, growls to warn others that it’s HIS prey, and tries to run off with it. He usually comes when I call him and he’s explorative. He likes to massage Sprout.

Sprout is bigger, talks more, and enjoys snuggles and belly rubs. He’s not as shy around people. He’ll play with a group around him as Frodo hides under the bed. He’s generally less explorative than Frodo though, preferring to stick to the familiar. He has snow paws.

They’re the cutest blessings I can imagine. It’s been so rewarding to spend time with them, bond with them, and take care of them while I continue to quarantine.

Stressed? Get Pets!

My stress levels have gone down considerably since adopting these guys. That’s no surprise. Pets are proven stress reducers, and are even used therapeutically

Last week, I talked about life seasons, and I just started a big one with these fuzzers. I never took this lightly. I knew it was a 20 year investment, so I waited for the right time, and I’m glad I took the leap. Here are a few more pictures that prove their cuteness.

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