One of the most effective ways to overcome resistance is to stop making it a decision. Deciding whether or not to do something implies that it depends on something subjective …
The Psychology of Being Reliable
I was late a couple of times recently, and I didn’t like it. Being reliable is one of the most valued traits in a person. Put simply, being reliable means …
Why You Should Organize Your Life With Lists
I’m not impressed when someone can memorize the sequencing of pi to 100,000 places. Do you know why? Because a (large) piece of paper accomplishes the same thing. A computer can …
Why The Brain Can’t Resist Facebook: Digital Slavery and How to Handle Freedom
Freedom is the positive result of prosperity and progress. But as you’ll see, excessive freedom can be ruinous to the human brain.
How to Make Meaningful Decisions Each Day
A human life consists of (many) decisions. Today, you will make roughly 35,000 decisions (about 227 of which will be food-related). Decisions determine our path now and later, covering a …