You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy

Jane Marczewski
Before yesterday, I didn’t know who Nightbirde (Jane Marczewski) was. She is best known for being a singer who performed on America’s Got Talent, where she got the coveted “Golden Buzzer” from Simon Cowell.
Jane tragically passed away from cancer at only 31 years old on Feb 19, 2022. After seeing Terry Crews post about her on Facebook, I looked her up. I was blown away by what I found.
First of all, Jane had an amazing voice (link below). But also had a gift with words and wisdom beyond her years. I think every human being can connect with something profound she said after her performance on America’s Got Talent.
Here’s the context for her quote: Jane was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017. It went into remission but came back in 2021, the year she debuted on America’s Got Talent. Jane, as you can see in her performance, was incredibly talented, but that’s not even what makes this story special. What makes this special is who Jane decided to be, which was revealed when she said one of the best quotes I’ve ever heard.
After her performance on AGT, there was a moment of silence from a stunned crowd. When the judges began to speak of her performance, there was praise all around for her talent and how she turned her pain into art. When Simon Cowell began to speak about the positivity and authenticity she showed after what she’d been through, he got choked up and had to pause for a moment. And in that moment, she said this:
“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore, before you decide to be happy.”
~ Jane Marczewski
This quote hit me like a freight train, as the last few months have been among the hardest in my life. It’s incredible wisdom, isn’t it? You get the impression that she discovered this truth in a dark place, and that she changed the moment she realized it.
Life is hard for most people most of the time. Don’t wait for life to get easy before you decide to enjoy it. Jane didn’t, and not only did she make the best of a very difficult hand dealt to her, her choice has already inspired millions of people as a result.
I wanted to share this quote with you, and also inform you about the life of this incredible person who deserves to be remembered. I’m thankful I came across Terry Crews’ post, and so I wanted to pass it along. I will always remember you and what you said, Jane Marczewski, or NightBirde. My sincerest condolences to Jane’s family and friends.
Watch Jane’s performance on America’s Got Talent below.
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