Why Saying “I Should” Saps Your Strength

Healthy food and exercise rejuvenate the body! Being productive helps you personally and helps society. Okay, that’s nice. But how does this next sentence make you feel? You should eat …

4 Life Rules Worth Having

Rules are only worth having if they protect or benefit you. Here are some rules you can adopt that will improve your life. The 2 Minute Rule If it takes …

Your Choices Today Compound for Life

Let’s just say you’re going to live until 100 years old. Congratulations, that’s a long life! On your 99th birthday, your foot is amputated because you stepped on a chainsaw. …

How to Stop Procrastinating in 10 Seconds

Procrastination is a fancy word for resistance. If there weren’t resistance between you and your desired behavior, then nothing would stop you from doing it right now. No resistance, no procrastination. …