Healthy food and exercise rejuvenate the body! Being productive helps you personally and helps society. Okay, that’s nice. But how does this next sentence make you feel? You should eat …
4 Life Rules Worth Having
Rules are only worth having if they protect or benefit you. Here are some rules you can adopt that will improve your life. The 2 Minute Rule If it takes …
Your Choices Today Compound for Life
Let’s just say you’re going to live until 100 years old. Congratulations, that’s a long life! On your 99th birthday, your foot is amputated because you stepped on a chainsaw. …
How to Stop Procrastinating in 10 Seconds
Procrastination is a fancy word for resistance. If there weren’t resistance between you and your desired behavior, then nothing would stop you from doing it right now. No resistance, no procrastination. …
4 Reasons to Solve Your Life Problems on Paper
The main, overarching reason? The paper is outside of your mind. This creates several advantages. 1. Paper can hold unlimited data If I give you a sheet of paper containing …
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