Mark Twain was funny and smart, a combination that created some all-time great quotes.
Bad habits are easy to stop… and restart. I’ve had the most success by tracking my winning streaks against bad habits with a new tool I’ll introduce in my next book (coming this year!).
I’m turning 34 later this year. That’s older than I’ve ever been! I like this quote because while many fear death, the subsequent fear of life is a powerful counterpoint. Twain connects the two ideas, suggesting that fearing death will prevent you from living your best life.
Fear is not to be feared! There’s nothing wrong with being afraid. That’s the takeaway, and once you accept fear as a normal part of being human, you will learn to be courageous and deal with it. It’s the denial of fear that cripples us. Accept your fears, and walk through them to get stronger.
Real progress in life is not usually impressive, especially at the beginning. Remember that flashy intentions are useless if you don’t follow through. The more I humble myself to do the little things, the more I find they build into things much greater! Thunder doesn’t exist without lightning, so don’t pursue it.
You can define thunder and lightning however you want, but the point is to tune into the true catalyst of good things in your life.
Don’t do it, unless you haven’t learned this lesson yet. 🙂
Ok, I won’t explain it. The floor is yours, Mark! Quote rapid fire!