6 Sure Ways To Improve Your Work Area

Rough Day At The Office

1. Purge

The worst possible work space is one that is overflowing with useless, outdated papers and items. Purging is the most impactful way to revolutionize your workplace. A clear space promotes a clear mind.

After you get rid of those expired Lance crackers in the drawer…

2. Organize

Having neat, orderly files is paramount to being efficient. In addition to physical papers and files, it is just as important to have a well-designed computer environment. Consistency is key, because once you break consistency in files/folders, you’ll lose trust in your setup and it will get out of hand.

3. Buy More Comfortable High-use Equipment

If you’re using it 8 hours per day, it makes sense to make sure you love to use it. Companies will give you the old dusty keyboard from storage. It’s nearly torture for me to type for long periods on my laptop because it bakes my wrists.

In the last week, I upgraded my keyboard/mouse!

Now I use a portable, but very comfortable keyboard called the Zaggkeys Flex. The Zaggkeys Flex is a newly released bluetooth keyboard that works perfectly for my laptop, my new iPad, and my smartphone. I love it.

For my mouse, I just bought the Logitech Wireless Performance Mouse MX. I typically love Logitech products, and this mouse is no exception. I’ve used other mice by Logitech that are more comfortable, but this one is still comfortable for long use and is rechargeable.

My new setup sure beats my old “wrist-cooking” setup. I find myself more eager to write now.

4. Pictures & Decoration

Productivity isn’t all that matters. Your workplace should be a place of happiness for you. You spend so much time there, so make it like home. Pictures of people, nature, and anything else that inspires you are good. Your desktop picture should bring a smile to your face every time you see it.

Pictures are a great way to take you to another place, which leads to the next suggestion.

5. Move It!

The office setting can be restrictive, but companies are beginning to adapt to the always-connected, work from anywhere movement. Those who work from home or are in school have plenty of freedom here. If you have the opportunity, don’t think twice about moving your workplace to a place you love or somewhere new.

Take your laptop or iPad outside or to a coffee shop for a change of environment. New environments can help generate new ideas and reinvigorate you.

6. Think About It

What do you like/dislike about your workplace? Find creative ways to maximize workplace pleasures and decrease workplace problems. These first five tips give you a great “base” to work with, but only you know what work environment changes will make you happiest.

It might be having an unlimited supply of food nearby (seriously, this is me – I can’t work hungry!).

Happy At The Office

Now imagine your new workplace…

You approach your clean, organized desk. The filing cabinet contains relevant files. The middle drawer is full of your favorite candy. There are no rogue papers hiding in obscure places. Your laptop is masterfully organized and everything is exactly where it’s supposed to be.

There is not a single piece of information you would fail to find quickly and easily.

Feeling in control, you sit down on your back-wrenching chair (because good chairs are expensive). No, wait, chairs are worth an investment. Think of your back!

Feeling in control, you sit down on a cloud and fall asleep. Ok, maybe the chair shouldn’t be too comfortable.

Feeling in control, you sit down on a REASONABLY COMFORTABLE CHAIR and place your hands on a fantastic laser mouse. You immediately navigate to Rainy Mood because you love the sound of rain (it has always helped you sleep better). Then you play around on facebook until the boss walks by.

When he does, you place your hands on the keyboard you love more than cheese itself and begin to act like you’re working on something. With the rain sounds, the desktop picture of me, and your comfortable equipment, you end up having a productive and enjoyable day of work.


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